Rosh Hashanah Tribute Cards
JF&CS Rosh Hashanah cards are a meaningful way to wish your family and friends Shanah Tovah while helping the most vulnerable members of our community.
Option 1: Order a Package of Blank Cards | Click here to order now
Blank cards (no message inside) are available in packages of 10 with envelopes for $50. The cards will be mailed to you within three business days.
Option 2: Let JF&CS Send Cards on Your Behalf | Click here to order now
We will be glad to customize cards and mail them on your behalf. Cards are $12 each. Alternatively, email your list to or call our donation line at 416.638.7800 x 6999.
Option 3: Send eCards | Click here to order now
Email a personalized greeting. You can select the date when you would like them sent. eCards are $10 per recipient. Alternatively, email your recipient list to or call our donation line at 416.638.7800 x 6999.
For more information contact us at 416.638.7800 x 6999 or
New Collection

Shana Tova *Hebrew* Holiday Table
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Classic Collection

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Apples & Honey Shana Tova Green
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Our standard message:
"Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy New Year. Shana Tova!"