Giving Opportunities

In addition to the services offered by JF&CS, opportunity and program funds provide direct financial assistance to our clients when they are at their most vulnerable. 

Donate now or call our friendly donation line to learn more
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Giving Opportunities

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Fund
The milestone of a Bar and Bat Mitzvah carries even more meaning when you honour your special day by helping a less fortunate child mark his or her own special day with a sense of dignity, celebration and belonging.

BrightEnd Spirits Fund
Jewish seniors living independently on modest incomes may receive financial assistance to pay for sudden urgent expenses.

Chaplaincy Services
Your donation will help support the sick and isolated members of our community. For more information about Chaplaincy Services, click here.

Financial Enhancement
This fund provides a one-time financial supplement to an individual/family experiencing a financial crisis such as a death in the family.

Gordon S. Wolfe Children and Youth Fund (Camp Subsidy Program)
This funds helps JF&CS provide financial assistance to struggling families so their children can attend summer camp. T
his fund is named in honour of the agency's Executive Director from 1981 to 2003 and was established to enhance the quality of life, education and general wellness of children and young adults served by JF&CS.

Holocaust Survivors Emergency Fund
The fund provides emergency financial assistance to Holocaust Survivors for medical, housing or other urgent needs ensuring dignity and quality of life. Learn more.

Homework Club
The Homework Club, with locations at our three branches, provides a friendly, relaxed venue for students in grades 4 to 12 to study and enjoy a pizza dinner. Volunteer tutors help with all subjects. Your gift will continue to help students as they strive for academic success.

Jerome D. Diamond Adolescent Centre
Your support of the Diamond Centre allows us to build the resources of this wonderful program that has benefited so many young people over three decades. For more information about the Centre, click here.

Jewish Hospice Program
Funding for this palliative care program is provided entirely through charitable donations. Your gift will help us continue to support individuals experiencing life-threatening illness and their families. For more information about the Jewish Hospice Program, click here.

Levelling the Playing Field
This fund gives children and youth in the care of JF&CS or from families living in poverty opportunities to enjoy similar pursuits to their peers. It enables us to purchase goods and services such as computers and software; sports equipment; fitness memberships; music, art, dance or other extra-curricular lessons; clothing for special events such as graduation, and so on. Your gift will help these young people avoid the isolation that often comes with poverty.

Woman Abuse Program
Donations to this fund help us continue our work with abused women and their children. For more information about the program, click here.