Summer Recap    Issue 76 | September 2019
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CHW Supports Experiential Learning Programs for JDD Students

CHW stands for Children, Healthcare, Women and when school resumes in September, the children attending the Jerome D. Diamond Adolescent Centre (JDD) will be the newest beneficiaries of CHW’s generosity.

For the next four years, Canadian Hadassah – WIZO Toronto Centre (CHW) has committed to supporting the successful outcomes of JDD students by funding experiential learning opportunities. These experiences, ranging from seeing theatrical productions to celebrating spirit days, are all part of the mosaic that makes up the unique experience of being a JDD student.

We are very excited for this meaningful relationship, and for what it will mean to current and future students. With this commitment, JDD staff can better plan for the students’ future programming, knowing that funding is secured and available.

Thank you to Canadian Hadassah – WIZO Toronto Centre, their supporters and community for providing these meaningful and educational experiences.

Looking Back at Pride Month 

Along with ongoing education and awareness, JF&CS staff proudly celebrated Pride throughout the month of June. Activities this year ranged from a “Photo Scavenger Hunt”, marching in the Pride Parade on June 23, and informing the community about LGBTQ+ related issues at our Pride booth in the lobby of the Lipa Green Centre.

This year, for the first time ever, JF&CS partnered with an amazing list of community groups to present Pride Shabbat at The 519 Community Centre on Church Street. The sold out event included a very special Pride focused Shabbat evening including a service, blessings, remarks and a delicious vegetarian dinner.

We are proud to show our community that we are an open and safe agency and ready to support the Jewish LGBTQ+ community.

Rosh Hashanah cards are here! Place your orders right away!

Jewish Family & Child is pleased to offer our special Rosh Hashanah Tribute Cards and eCards. This year, we have eight unique card designs to choose from!

Let us mail our beautiful cards to your friends and family to let them know a donation has been made in their honour, or order a package of blank cards. eCards are also available. 

By ordering Rosh Hashanah cards, your generous support ensures we can respond quickly to our community members when they need us most. We wish you and your family a sweet and fruitful New Year! Click here to view our card designs and order options.

Helping those in need can start at any age
JF&CS is on Echoage

This year, Josh decided to celebrate his birthday and generously donated a portion of his gifts to Jewish Family & Child through ECHOage. His mother shared this story which contributed to his decision to start giving tzedekah at a young age:

My mother grew up in a disadvantaged household, and arrived to Canada when she was 20 years old. To add to their difficult life, her family lost their life savings to a theft by their own close family that sponsored them into Canada under the guise of a better life and future employment prospect. After this, my grandfather was unable to find gainful employment due to his age and my grandmother supported the family on a minimum wage job. I grew up knowing that they lived extremely frugal lives, with my grandparents having no money to ever go out and feeling embarrassed by their circumstances in social settings.

Their extended family never lent a helping hand and it was soul crushing to watch how isolated a family can become due to poverty. Her family didn’t know about organizations such as Jewish Family & Child, an organization that could have helped them significantly. That is why it is very, very, very important to my family to support a cause that helps Jewish families in the same circumstances.

Want to host an EchoAge party? If you have an upcoming celebration and would like to learn more, please click here.

Congratulations to Simon Kalkstein

We are beyond proud to share that Simon Kalkstein, Social Worker at JF&CS for the past 45 years, is one of the 2019 award winners for dedication from United Way's Bhayana Family Foundation Awards.

Simon is more than just a Social Worker at JF&CS. Simon radiates goodness. He looks past the poverty, addictions and mental illnesses of those who need him and he sees the morality and potential in them. 

The award recognizes employees who are dedicated to the mission, values and goals of their agency and go above and beyond what is expected of them. Simon is well-deserving and truly one of our community’s treasures.

"The Bhayana Family Foundation Awards recognize extraordinary contributions made by frontline staff and middle managers who are tackling unignorable local issues at United Way Greater Toronto-supported agencies. Winners are awarded for showing their local love and helping people thrive through their dedication, innovation and creativity, leadership, teamwork and partnership."

Congratulations, Simon! 

Shaping the community you want to live in

In children we see our successes and our challenges; often a magnified reflection of ourselves. With the proper support system, encouragement and guidance, a spark can be ignited in any child inspiring them to overcome barriers and achieve their dreams. This is why Jewish Family & Child is more than just one of the 49 Children’s Aid Societies mandated to protect the safety of children and youth. While providing a safety net for our community’s youth is critical, we endeavour to give them so much more.

​As community members and donors, you can take great pride in all that we are able to offer the most vulnerable children and youth in our community – from food, shelter and clothing, to extra-curricular activities, summer camp and post-secondary education. By supporting them, you are shaping the community you want to live in. Click here to learn more.

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JF&CS' monthly giving program.
Click here for more information. 

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Jewish Family & Child | 4600 Bathurst St, 1st Floor, Toronto, ON   M2R 3V3
416-638-7800  |
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