A Message From Rabbi Mordechai Chemel |
Sunset and sunrise are two of the most powerful times of the day. Each year has a sunset and sunrise as well. We are now watching the final rays of the year 5778 fade away. These days, at the dusk of the outgoing year and dawn of the new year, are a time for each of us to evaluate our actions over the past 12 months. What went well? What endeavours and conversations are we proud of? What opportunities were missed? It is also a time for making important resolutions for the coming year. How can we better utilize our time, resources and choice of words to help others? By utilizing these final days of the year for self-reflection, we can create an even better year ahead.
Chaplaincy Services of JF&CS would like to send the entire Jewish community wishes for a good and pleasant year in all areas of life. May G-d grant all of us a truly sweet 5779.
- Rabbi Mordechai Chemel, MSW, RSW | Manager, Chaplaincy Services
It's not too late to send your family and friends JF&CS Rosh Hashanah e-cards! Click here.
You're invited to our Annual General Meeting |

Click here to RSVP
Back to school with all the essentials! |
JF&CS wants to acknowledge and thank the volunteers of National Council of Jewish Women of Canada, Toronto Section, Na’amat Toronto and UJA’s Young Women’s Leadership Network for their donation of over 300 backpacks. Each backpack was filled with much needed school supplies, lunch bags and clothing for our young clients going back to school. It is due to their generosity that vulnerable children started the school year with new supplies and bright smiles on their faces. Thank you!
Laugh, Cry and Cringe with Emerging Leaders |
On August 14, JF&CS Emerging Leaders hosted their annual event, Cringe Worthy, raising almost $40,000! Money raised at Cringe Worthy benefits JF&CS's Opportunity Fund which provides financial assistance to vulnerable youth by giving them the chance to find a moment of happiness, calm, fulfillment and hope. These opportunities include but are not limited to experiences such as Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, camp, extra-curricular activities and post-secondary education.
Guests at the sold out event enjoyed a night filled with hilarious and embarrassing stories shared live on stage at The Opera House. Over the past four years, Cringe Worthy has raised over $100,000 for JF&CS programs, including our camp subsidy program, Levelling The Playing Field and scholarships. View pictures from the event on the JF&CS Emerging Leaders Facebook page.
Emerging Leaders was established in February 2014 by a group of young professionals in their 20s and 30s. The members of this dynamic group have varying professions and backgrounds but all share a passion for making a difference in the community through the work of Jewish Family & Child. Want to get involved? Email us!