Issue 66 | May 2018
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Thank you for celebrating 150 years of JF&CS

Thank you to everyone who supported or attended Always There: 150 Years of JF&CS. The event was a huge success and guests had the opportunity to learn more about the history of the agency, our current programs and services, and our aspirations for the future.

A few highlights of the evening included our interactive exhibit featuring amazing performers (made up of current and past JF&CS staff/volunteers) dressed in historic costumes, a Jewish Folks Telling Jokes video and a live performance from the Toronto Jewish Chorus. Jordan Wagman and Neal Dlin, two former JF&CS clients, shared their personal stories which led to a live fundraising experience raising $15,000 to send to kids to camp. 

To view all of the photos, please visit our Facebook page

Our 150th anniversary celebrations will continue throughout the year and we hope to see you at future events!

You're invited to Dining at the Diamond

Click here for tickets 

Helping kids prepare for camp

Each summer, JF&CS sends close to 300 Jewish children to day camp and overnight camp. JF&CS currently has 82 children going to overnight camp with more registration expected. Camp provides an opportunity for these children to enjoy a summer away from home. However, getting equipped for camp is an expense a lot of families cannot afford. Through the generosity of our donors, JF&CS makes sure each child has what they need to attend camp so that they can partake in all activities.

Daniel celebrated his Bar Mitzvah in May and wanted to do something that would be impactful and help children. Daniel loves summer camp and is well aware of the costs involved of buying supplies each year. For his centre pieces, Daniel decided that he wanted to put together baskets of camp supplies that can be donated to JF&CS clients attending camp. Each centre piece included a waterproof shower bucket containing towels, water bottles, slip-on sandals, sunglasses and a deck of cards for fun.

Thank you Daniel for making a difference!

Brian Prousky joins the NJHSA board of directors

We are excited to announce that Brian Prousky, Executive Director of Jewish Family & Child, has joined the Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies’ board of directors.

The Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies is an international membership association of more than 140 non-profit organizations in the United States, Canada and Israel providing a full range of human services to the Jewish community and beyond, including healthcare, career, employment and mental health services, as well as programs for youth, family and seniors, Holocaust survivors, immigrants and refugees, people with disabilities and caregivers.

“I look forward to working with my fellow board members, as well as Network and agency leadership, to build an innovative organization to support our members and the communities they serve. Now, more than ever, we need to come together to ensure there will always be a strong safety net for those in need.” – Brian Prousky

Join us at the Walk With Israel 

Join us on Sunday May 27 at UJA’s Walk with Israel as we celebrate Israel's 70th birthday. The walk has become the signature, and largest event of its kind in Toronto’s Jewish community. Transforming the streets of downtown Toronto into a veritable sea of blue and white, and red and white, the 2017 Walk reached record heights with an estimated 20,000 people participating as volunteers or walkers, providing our community with a collective voice to demonstrate our solidarity with, and love for, the people of Israel.

The JF&CS team will be at Rest Stop #4 at Clarence Square. Come say hi!


Upcoming Events

Dining At The Diamond

Cringe Worthy

Unsung Heroes: The Jewish Mega Musical Revue

Join the Monthly Mitzvah Makers! 
JF&CS' monthly giving program.
Click here for more information. 

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Jewish Family & Child | 4600 Bathurst St, 1st Floor, Toronto, ON   M2R 3V3
416-638-7800  |
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