Giving back runs in the family |
This year Charlie and Jack celebrated their 4th birthday. In lieu of gifts, Charlie and Jack and their parents Jessica Waks and David Goodman, asked their guests to bring children’s books to the party so that they could donate the books to JF&CS for other children to enjoy.
David has a strong connection to JF&CS. From 2009-2011, David volunteered as a big brother to one of JF&CS’s clients. Two to four times a month David would participate in activities with a gregarious 6 year old boy teaching him to skate and to ride a bicycle and numerous other activities. After 3 years, the little boy moved back to Israel with his mother after being unable to obtain residency. David still keeps in touch with him and is pleased to see how well he is thriving.
“JF&CS supports a large segment of our Jewish community in Toronto that often goes unnoticed by my peers. Thanks to this experience, I can now understand the daily struggles and needs that exist within our community and how important the work that JF&CS does to help Jewish families get on the right track towards a healthy, happy and Jewish life path, done with the utmost dignity and respect.”
Kol Hakovod to David and Jessica, Charlie and Jack for their support and for their generous gift of books.
You're invited to our gala on May 9, 2018 |

Click here for tickets
Pedal for a Purpose was a spinning success! |
On March 28, JF&CS Emerging Leaders hosted a sold out spinning event at Spinco Uptown. Over 45 young professionals came spinning with us to help promote mental health awareness and explore issues around life's stressors, the illnesses that we can't see, and how we can maintain or improve our mental health.
The private class, led by instructor Marlie from Kale and Krunches, was a huge success! Proceeds from the event will support Jewish Family & Child’s greatest needs such as poverty reduction and improving mental health and wellness within the community.
Stay tuned for more health and wellness exercise classes hosted by JF&CS Emerging Leaders.
This week is National Volunteer Week |
On April 10, we honoured Marna Alexandroff, Cheri Dwosh, Doreen Levine, Dorothy Singer and Ashley Waltman at the Ontario Volunteer Service Awards for their 5-10 years of volunteer service, dedication and commitment to JF&CS.
Our volunteers play a very meaningful role and we are grateful for their ongoing support. From April 1, 2017-March 31, 2018, we had 99 direct service volunteers and 89 community project/event volunteers, totalling over 10,900 volunteer hours. Chaplaincy volunteers spent 4,363 hours visiting members of the Jewish community who reside in institutions including long term care homes, acute care and rehabilitation hospitals, mental health facilities, and correctional institutions. The total number of visits recorded was 1,745 with 21,033 people being seen.
In honour of National Volunteer Week (April 15-21) we want to acknowledge all of our amazing volunteers. Your years of dedication and commitment are very much appreciated and we thank you.
Making a difference for our youth |
On March 22, 2018, Joanne, Charlie and Tara Bleier, on behalf of Don Mills Lodge – B’nai Brith Canada, presented a cheque to Marsha Urowitz at JF&CS.
The Don Mills Lodge – B’nai Brith Canada, have been proud supporters of JF&CS since 1992. Annually, they donate funds in support of Jewish Family & Child’s Chanukah Party for Foster Families, as well as funds for the Homework Club to purchase school supplies and dinner for the students studying.
Thank you for your ongoing support and for making a difference in the lives of children and youth in our community.
Want to be in the next Unsung Heroes production? |
Please contact for more information.