Issue 63 | February 2018
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Honouring our amazing volunteers

JF&CS extends our sincere appreciation to all of our outstanding volunteers! We are privileged that so many people are willing to help. From sorting our Just A Second Shop to organizing fundraising events - we simply could not run this organization without you! This year, we have nominated five of our volunteers for the Ontario Volunteer Service Awards: 

Marna Alexandroff, Homework Club volunteer for 5 years.
Cheri Dwosh, volunteer babysitter for JF&CS clients' young children, so that clients can attend JF&CS groups. She has also supported the Development and Communications team for 5 years. 
Doreen Levine, Homework Club volunteer for 5 years.
Ashley Waltman, Homework Club volunteer for 5 years.
Dorothy Singer, volunteer at our JF&CS Bagel Club (a weekly socialization and support group for adults with mental health issues) for the past 10 years.

To learn more about the many volunteer opportunities available at JF&CS, please click here.

Giving back starts at any age

Reese Feldberg, currently a grade 8 student at The York School in Toronto, celebrated her Bat Mitzvah on May 6, 2017 with her family and friends.  Rather than receiving personal gifts to celebrate this special milestone in her life, Reese chose to give back to those in need.  Reese has always been a selfless individual, constantly thinking of others ahead of herself.  In this case, Reese made the decision to ask her guests to help her support Art Therapy at the Jerome D. Diamond Adolescent Centre through donations in honour of this special occasion.

The Jerome D. Diamond Adolescent Centre is a youth mental health centre that provides services to youth between the ages of 12 and 17 who are experiencing psychological, behavioural and/or academic challenges. The JDD offers up to 34 students a unique educational experience which includes an art therapy program as well as counselling services.  Over the past four decades, the JDD has helped hundreds of young people turn around their challenging lives and rejoin the mainstream schools with newfound competence and skills.

In her own spare time, Reese very much enjoys singing and acting. She feels that it is important to give back to the community and to those less fortunate. Thank you Reese and Kol Hakavod to you for choosing a project that you are passionate about and that will have a major impact on other students.

Donations needed at the Just-A-Second Shop

Thank you to everyone who has already donated to the Just-A-Second Shop, but we are still in dire need of clothing donations. The racks and shelves are almost empty with very little clothing for the winter and spring. 

Please donate good quality items such as pants, sweaters, coats, boots, etc. or any other new/gently used clothing. It is important to note that the clothing we receive most be in good quality; anything with rips or holes will not be useful to our clients and customers and we will not display them at our store.

Sales revenue from the shop supports the many ways JF&CS serves the community. Clients are able to select items at no charge.

Please go through your closets as soon as possible and bring your donated clothes to one of our yellow bins or directly to our store at 4117 Bathurst St. Click here for a list of drop off locations. 

Employment opportunities! Join the JF&CS Team. 

We’re hiring! JF&CS is looking to hire an Accounting Administrator and an Intake Administrative Assistant. We offer a competitive compensation and benefits package including dental, vision, and health coverage, a health care spending account, and a defined benefit pension plan. If you want to join our vibrant team or know of someone who may be qualified please click here to learn more about the positions.


Upcoming Events

Always There: 150 Years of JF&CS

Dining At The Diamond

Cringe Worthy

Unsung Heroes: The Jewish Mega Musical Revue

Join the Monthly Mitzvah Makers! 
JF&CS' monthly giving program.
Click here for more information. 

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Jewish Family & Child | 4600 Bathurst St, 1st Floor, Toronto, ON   M2R 3V3
416-638-7800  |
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