Issue 48 | Spring-Summer 2016
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On May 31st, JF&CS hosted its third Jewish Folks Telling Jokes - our organization’s signature fundraising event.  In addition to raising significant funds, we treated our 700+ guests to entertaining Klezmer music, a touching story from a former JF&CS foster child who is now a lawyer, and a comedy show like no other.  The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive!

"The jokes were so funny that we were still laughing while another joke was starting!"  

"First class!  It was the best one so far." 

"It was a brilliant, hilarious event and I'm so glad I went!"

"Great event again in support of a great organization."

"Who goes to a fundraiser and actually thinks its one of their best nights out  of the year?  There was nothing we would have changed. The video was hilarious and set the tone.  The host was sensitive and funny and could tie in the two so well.  The professionalism of the product was outstanding. The three guys on stage were amazing, and the food was to die for! And I loved my chocolates and [loot bag] and ate it all on the ride home!"

Because of our generous sponsors and ticket purchasers, this third Jewish Folks Telling Jokes has brought our combined event total to more than $1 million dollars! Beginning years ago as just a seed of an idea from co-chairs Susy Miller and Ellen Levine, we can now proudly say that JFTJ is a widely-recognized community event.

Thank you to all of who came out to share a laugh and support JF&CS!  

Here's the video that everyone has been talking about.

And here are the photos from the event.  Tag yourself and your friends!


In the wake of the tragic and senseless massacre in Orlando, organizers of Toronto's Pride parade pledged increased security and a determination to highlight the community's strength. 

As you may know, JF&CS marches annually and proudly in this parade and this year will be no exception.  Executive Director, Brian Prousky says, “Fear won’t deter JF&CS from showing its solidarity with the LGBTQ2 community.  In fact, I believe it’s more important than ever that we be there in numbers to demonstrate our pride.” 

On Sunday July 3rd, we will meet in the early afternoon (details with RSVP) near Yonge and Bloor.  The Parade route is only about 2km and is packed full of music, laughter, cheers and positivity!  Please be sure that you RSVP to as the organizers have strict group size rules.  

As Lin-Manuel Miranda said so beautifully stated upon winning a Tony Award this past weekend, "We live through times when hate and fear seem stronger. We rise and fall and light from dying embers. Remembrances that hope and love last longer. And love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love ... and cannot be killed or swept aside."



Shem Tov Awards are presented, in partnership with UJA-funded agencies, to leaders representing the highest level of excellence in volunteer service in Toronto’s Jewish community.

We are extremely proud of JF&CS' Immediate Past President, Alan Levine who was recently honoured with this Award.  His involvement with Jewish Family & Child began ten years ago.  His parents, Irving and Ruth in partnership with Lionel and Helaine Robins gave a capital gift to help create the Levine/Robins Community Services Offices that would be the home for JF&CS at the Lipa Green Centre.  At that time, Alan also joined the Board of Directors at JF&CS and in 2014, became its president. Alan lives in Toronto with Ellen, his wife of nearly forty years, and his three grown children, Amanda, Adam and Lauren.   

“My time spent volunteering at JF&CS has been remarkable.  I work with dedicated volunteers and inspirational staff.  JF&CS strengthens our community. It is an honour to be a small part of such indescribably great organization.”

Yasher Koach, Alan!

SEPTEMBER 27 | 7:30 PM | 4600 BATHURST ST.


Residing for the month of June, high above the buildings at Bathurst and Lawrence in Toronto, our billboard illustrates what many people don't realize or even choose to believe.  The fact is that 13% translates to about 25,000 Jewish people in the GTA living on, or below the poverty line.  
With support from UJA Federation, JF&CS provides financial assistance, counselling, Jewish holiday support, camp subsidies and much more to individuals and families who are truly in need, but we can't do it without the community's support.

Have you donated to our 2016 Annual Campaign?  We need your support and we appreciate your generosity immensely.  Please click here to donate and learn how your dollars make a difference. 


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Jewish Family & Child | 4600 Bathurst St, 1st Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M2R 3V3
416-638-7800  |
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