Issue 40 | September 2015
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Rosh Hashana - the Jewish New Year begins on the evening of September 13.  The Board of Directors and staff of JF&CS wish you and your family a happy, sweet and meaningful New Year.

There is still time to send your own personal greetings to your loved ones by ordering of our whimsical, or beautiful Rosh Hashana tribute cards.   Online ordering is secure and easy, but you can also call our friendly donation team at 416.638.7800 x 6999.  


Our Annual General Meeting will be held on September 17th at the Lipa Green Centre, 4600 Bathurst Street.  

This marks the final meeting for our Executive Director, Richard Cummings, as he will be retiring at the end of this year.

Our current Board President, Alan Levine will complete his two year term and will pass the gavel to our incoming president, Merle Rosenhek.  

Morris Zbar, UJA Federation President and CEO will act as Keynote Speaker and you'll also have the opportunity to hear from a current client with a truly inspirational story.

Seating at the event is limited.  If you wish to attend, please email or call 416.638.7800 x 6400


JF&CS wants to ensure that every student has an  equal opportunity.  Children and teens often need extra help in certain subjects, and hiring a tutor can  be a prohibitive cost for many families. That's why we offer The Homework Club to students in Grade 4  and higher.  

We are currently in need of volunteer tutors to assist  our students for the upcoming academic year.  

Tuesdays from October 13, 2015 | 6-7:30pm  and/or Wednesdays from October 14, 2015 | 6-  7:30pm at the Family Resource Centre, Promenade  Mall.  

If you're interested in learning more about this  opportunity, please click here.



Sunday, September 20, 2015 is The Spokespeople Ride - a cycling event supporting Jewish Family & Child (JF&CS).

The Spokespeople are a group of Toronto friends including Mel and Ellen Little, Andrew and Judy Kent, David and Cheryl Blinick, Larry and Julie Schwartz, Susan Leston and Harry Hochman, Judy and Allan Borodin, Sandi Leibovici, Miki Grosz, Joy Shuchat (JF&CS Board Member) and Gary Shiff, Penny (JF&CS staff) and Danny Littman, Paul and Terri Dunnigan that have been cycling in and around Toronto for many years.  Twelve years ago, the group decided to designate their annual 40 km fall ride as a charity fundraiser and to date over $70,000 has been raised for many worthwhile causes.  JF&CS is proud to be this year's recipient.  

Please sponsor the ride today and help the Spokespeople raise $5,000 for JF&CS!


"I want to let you know that each time l board the TTC and show my metropass, JF&CS comes to my mind and l am astoundingly grateful for your help with the cost of it. Thanks to your referral, I have a little job that will start after Labour Day - picking up two siblings from school and taking them home until their parents can come get them.  However, I'll likely only have this job until the family finds someone with a car. Although it's not much, earning money feels wonderful. I will now be able to take my own children to the nearby puppet theatre on Sunday mornings and I am saving to finally buy new glasses. Thank you once again, JF&CS for your kind support."  





Jewish Family & Child
4600 Bathurst Street, 1st Floor, Toronto, ON M2R 3V3
416-638-7800 | |

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