Issue 37 | April 2015
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From the Staff and Board of Jewish Family & Child,
Happy Passover to you and your loved ones.  Chag Pesach Sameach.

A Woman of Valor

 Shirley Granovsky

JF&CS is extremely pleased to share that longtime donor and friend of our agency, Shirley Granovsky, has donated an additional $500,000 to our STEP (Striving to End Poverty) Project.  This donation brings her total STEP contribution to an astounding $2 million dollars.  

The goal of the STEP Project is to help selected families to build a sustainable lifestyle that affords them the opportunity to make choices and participate in the community.   

One of the single mothers participating in the STEP Project wanted to extend her appreciation to Shirley.  "Without STEP, I don't know where I'd be, and I'm scared to think about it.  I have two teenagers, a one bedroom apartment and a minimum-wage job.  STEP is helping me improve my skills and assets so I can get better employment.  STEP is also helping my kids succeed by securing us a laptop, a desk, proper mattresses and bedding."   

Shirley Granovsky is truly a woman of valor. "She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy." Book of Mishlei (Proverbs) 

Thank You, Aimee
 Some of Amy's boxes

Aimee Kuhl, a sixth grade student at Eitz Chaim School, visited the Family Resource Centre with her mother, Pamela.

Aimee wanted to make her Bat Mitzvah celebration more meaningful by sharing with less fortunate children. Along with her classmates, family members and friends, Aimee put together a number of craft kits for the FRC children to enjoy with a number of different themes including winter, jewellery making, and the Passover Seder.

Aimee said that this chesed project made her Bat Mitzvah celebration so much more meaningful, and was also a great way to raise awareness in her community.  Thank you, Aimee!

National Volunteer Week
National Volunteer Week

From April 12 to 18, Volunteer Canada and Jewish Family & Child will celebrate Canada’s 13.3 million volunteers during National Volunteer Week.

Volunteers play an integral role in the success of our organization in myriad ways. From Big Brothers/Sisters to Board Members; from Homework Club Tutors to the Jewish Folks Telling Jokes planning committee - we simply could not accomplish much of our work without them.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have volunteered your time and your expertise to our organization.  We commend you.  We appreciate you!  

If you would like to learn more about volunteering with JF&CS, please click here. 

The First Event of its Kind in Toronto

JF&CS introduces Planting Roots - an honest and eye-opening community forum on Jewish youth in the foster care system. How much do you know about this provocative topic? Educate yourself by attending this event on April 29.

You’ll hear from Keynote Speaker, Kim Stevens, who has 25 years of practice in child welfare, foster care, adoption, and parenting with and has adopted four adopted children. And there will be a captivating panel discussion with a current Jewish teen in foster care and Jewish parents who have adopted a teen. 

Parking and registration are free.  Light refreshments will be served. Kashrut will be observed. Seating is limited so please RSVP by April 22 to





Jewish Family & Child
4600 Bathurst Street, 1st Floor, Toronto, ON M2R 3V3
416-638-7800 | |

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