Back to School with JF&CS! |

September is here, and school is back in session. In recent weeks, we have been preparing for the school year by collecting donated school supplies. This year, JF&CS provided over 120 children returning to school with $50 gift cards to purchase brand new school supplies. We also received generous donations from UJA Genesis and Na'amat Toronto of over 70 backpacks full of colourful pencil crayons, markers, pens, notebooks, rulers and more which were distributed to clients. One client showed off their shiny new backpack with passersby in the lobby of the Lipa Green Centre, expressing how excited he was to have a new backpack to bring to school with him this year! The Family Resource Centre is also gearing up for the school year and is currently accepting applications for the Virtual Homework Club. The program will begin again in mid-October once students get settled into their courses. The program will continue to be offered virtually as this has worked best for both students and volunteers.
Parents looking to enroll their children in the FRC Homework Club can send applications to hwc@jfandcs.com. If you are interested in volunteering with the Virtual Homework Club, please click here for more information.
Thank you to our donors and volunteers!
Café Europa is Back In-Person |
We are proud to report that in June 2022, Café Europa has resumed in-person programming at the Bernard Betel Centre! Café Europa is a social and cultural gathering for Holocaust survivors. Currently, over 4,500 Survivors are living in the GTA. After more than two years of operating virtually, Café Europa participants are once again able to celebrate in person with each other, JF&CS and Bernard Betel staff and community volunteers. This monthly afternoon of fun, music and conversation offers opportunities for socializing and unforgettable special moments and memories.
The program is entirely free and funded by The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany. To accommodate for social distancing and other COVID restrictions, the participants break into two groups for live entertainment in various languages. Survivors, staff, and volunteers all sing along and enjoy themselves for some much-needed mingling after being isolated for so long.
After enjoying the entertainment, everyone is provided with a take-home package that includes a frozen meal and other necessities. Currently, the program also delivers meals to registered participants who cannot attend, and we are exploring live streaming options for those individuals as well.
If you or someone you know is a Holocaust survivor looking to participate, or if you would like more information about the program, please contact Andrea Pines at apines@jfandcs.com or Lily Boltianski at lilyb@betelcentre.org. If you want to hear more about the supports available to our clients directly from one of our Holocaust Survivor Services Social Workers, please click here.
Every Child, Youth and Young Adult Deserves to Belong |
As the only government-mandated Jewish Children's Aid Society in Canada, JF&CS provides a supportive atmosphere for Jewish children who are separated from their families. Nobody should have to celebrate life's milestones alone. Everyone needs a parent, no matter their age.
Every child, youth and young adult deserves to belong. That is why JF&CS is looking for more secular homes for our older youth in care. Help provide a sense of caring and belonging to these teens.
If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about our fostering or adoption programs, please join us for a virtual information session happening on September 21, 2022, at 12 pm. We will explain the application process, the training involved, and the ongoing support given to JF&CS resource and foster families.
Please call us at 416-638-7800 and speak to our intake department to get more information or register.
Shoeboxes Full of Love |
Young people in our community are often a source of inspiration. As you may recall, we recently shared three stories of creative and generous young philanthropists in our Young Philanthropists Impact Report.
Lily is 12 years old, and she, too, was looking for a project to complete that would allow her to give back to children in need in the community. Her mother's friend works at a shoe store, so she collected empty shoe boxes and filled them with meaningful items to donate to JF&CS.
"I packed the shoe boxes for kids in need to put a smile on their face," shares Lily, "I knew JF&CS would make sure the boxes went to the right place." The contents of the shoe boxes vary depending on age, ranging from young children to those just older than herself. Lily received many donations, ensuring the boxes were packed full to the brim with fun toys and important necessities that the recipients could use. Friends, family, and companies such as Toys-R-Us, Sport Chek, and Mastermind Toys all contributed to this fantastic initiative.
Lily says she wanted to pick some "wow items" for each box; something each child can hold onto and cherish. These wow items are her favourite parts of the shoe boxes, in addition to the decorations she added that make them look like you are opening a present. Lily also mentions that other children can participate in projects like this at school. "A lot of schools run something called 'The Giving Tree' around the holiday season. My project took a lot of time, but they can do what they can. Even if you have 20 minutes to grab a few items from the dollar store and donate them, every kid needs a comfort item!"
Do you have a creative fundraising idea like Lily? Click here to learn more.
Get Your Last Minute Rosh Hashanah Cards |
Rosh Hashanah is two weeks away, and JF&CS wants to help you share your Chag Sameachs with all of your friends and family! Send your loved ones a JF&CS tribute card this year and help us provide vulnerable and isolated community members with holiday meals to celebrate the new year in a meaningful way.
Let JF&CS send a tribute card on your behalf to acknowledge your donation. We have seven beautiful designs to choose from!
Leshanah Tovah tikateiv v’teichateim.
May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year.
Please note that all orders for mailed cards must be received no later than this Friday, September 16, 2022.
Order your Rosh Hashanah Tribute Cards today by clicking here!
Annual General Meeting 2022 |

Click here to RSVP.
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JF&CS' monthly giving program. Click here for more information. |
Leave a Legacy |
Click here to learn about planned giving through the Gordon S. Wolfe Legacy Society at JF&CS. |
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