Issue 79 | January 2020
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You helped make Chanukah brighter for those in need

Our 2019 Drive for Dreidels Chanukah Toy and Gift Card Drive was very successful and we couldn't have done it without you! We raised more than $10,000 and received over 1,000 great toys for every child under 10 and 503 gift cards for all of our tweens and teens. 

Thanks to our partners and other organizations that helped with collection - National Council of Jewish Women - Toronto Section, Beth David Women, The Cooper/Shear Family, Miles Nadal JCC, Joseph & Wolf Lebovic Community Campus and UJA Federation. 

A special thank you to our Drive For Dreidels Ambassadors, Micki Mizrahi & Eden Mizrahi and Karen Fonn & Summer Kavelman. Your families' involvement is a beautiful display of how tzedakah can start at any age.

The Gordy Wolfe Award for Jewish Communal Professional Leadership

Mazel Tov to Simon Kalkstein, social worker at JF&CS for over 40 years, on being the 2019 recipient of the Gordy Wolfe Award for Jewish Communal Professional Leadership. Congratulations Simon. The award recognizes a visionary professional communal leader who, like Gordy, has made a substantive difference in the life of Jewish Toronto. Simon is truly one of our community’s treasures and we are so proud of his accomplishments! Click here to watch the video honouring Simon. 

Ilan celebrated his birthday while making a difference

This year, Ilan decided to celebrate his birthday and generously donated a portion of his gifts to Jewish Family & Child through ECHOage.

His mother shared that, "Ilan chose to support JF&CS as he knows the importance of supporting those less fortunate than himself. As a family we are blessed to have everything we need - access to good food, education, housing, extra curricular activities and of course a loving and supportive immediate and extended family. We believe every individual and family in our community should have nothing less and JF&CS helps ensure just that."

Thank you, Ilan! We are grateful for your generosity!

Want to host an EchoAge party? If you have an upcoming celebration and would like to learn more, please click here.

Groups & Workshops at JF&CS 


In February we begin our 6-session group, Mind-Body Connection for Women. Join us to learn mindfulness and meditation in a safe and supportive group setting. A past registrant shared the following about her experience:


“This group was absolutely excellent. The information we received each week and the handouts we were given to use at home were most useful.  I was able to put the information into practice daily and noticed immediately that my stress level and quality of sleep improved. My family also noticed that I was no longer as angry.


The facilitator was extremely knowledgeable and lead us through meditations weekly which made it easier to put into practice on a daily basis. She had a warm, welcoming and genuinely calming presence and her depth of knowledge and ability to share and teach is first-rate. She managed the flow of the class expertly, keeping everyone focused, on track and with a clear direction. She is an exceptional instructor and learning from her is priceless.


Since the group ended, I have continued to meditate on a daily basis and plan to keep doing so. This was the most useful and helpful group I have ever attended and would recommend it to everyone. Thank you for the opportunity to take part in this group.”

Click here to learn about all of the groups and workshops that we offer. We welcome all people regardless of cultural, religious and/or racial background or affiliation.

Start your New Year's resolution with us! 

Exercising is an effective way to improve your mental health. Start your new year resolution and let off some steam by joining JF&CS Emerging Leaders for a private exercise class at Barre Belle on January 26. We are excited to offer two unique classes: choose between Barre Fit Burn or Lengthen & Strengthen.

JF&CS professionals will be there to answer questions and help explore some issues around life's stressors, the illnesses that we can't see, and how we can maintain or improve our mental health.

Proceeds will support The Bagel Club. The Bagel Club is a weekly socialization and support group where isolated adults with mental health issues can learn social skills and feel a part of the community in a respectful and safe environment. For more information, click here.

We are almost sold out! If you would like to reserve one of the last few spots, click here.

B'not Mitzvah Celebrations
JF&CS is on Echoage

On December 14, a diverse group of 10 women originally from Toronto, Belleville, Montreal, Winnipeg, the USA, and Czechoslovakia celebrated their B'not Mitzvahs. The women connected through their learning at Darchei Noam with Rabbi Tina Grimberg.

To celebrate their learning all of the women, ranging in age from 52-80 years of age, were called up to the Torah. The parashah was Vayishlach, and as they read about Dinah, they also thought of women in contemporary society who have also suffered from violence.

Therefore, in the spirit of community involvement at their synagogue, they donated toiletry bags to women in need receiving help through JF&CS. The women were so grateful to receive such a wonderful donation especially during the cold winter. 

Mazel Tov!


Upcoming Events

Sweat For A Purpose

Dine For The Diamond


Join the Monthly Mitzvah Makers! 
JF&CS' monthly giving program.
Click here for more information. 

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Emerging Leaders

Jewish Family & Child | 4600 Bathurst St, 1st Floor, Toronto, ON   M2R 3V3
416-638-7800  |
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