Issue 78 | November 2019
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Chanukah at JF&CS: how can you help spread holiday joy? 

This year Chanukah begins on December 22. That means you have a full month to prepare and perform a mitzvah with JF&CS! There are thousands of Jewish children in the GTA whose parents cannot afford to buy Chanukah gifts without your help. Please consider donating new, unwrapped toys/gift cards at any of our Drive for Dreidels drop off locations to share some holiday happiness! Click here to make a monetary donation

You can also wish your family and friends a Happy Chanukah while making a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable members of Toronto’s Jewish community. Order JF&CS Chanukah cards online or call us at 416-638-7800 x 6999.

When you light the candles this year, you will know that your generous support ensures that we can respond quickly to our community members when they need us most.

We wish you and your family Chag Sameach! 

UJA Community Volunteer Awards 2019

We are very excited to have the opportunity to recognize some of our volunteers through the UJA Community Volunteer Awards.

Murray Leiter and Susan Silverman, JF&CS Chaplaincy Volunteers for nearly 5 years; between them they volunteer at 4 different institutions in total on a weekly basis. Besides providing friendly visits, they also facilitate Passover Seders, Chanukah programs, Rosh Hashanah programs, and concerts for residents. They are generous with their time and make a huge difference in the lives of the Jewish patients and residents who are institutionalized. They are living examples of the Chaplaincy philosophy, which is Kol Yisrael Arevin Zeh B’zeh – all Jews are responsible for one another. In addition to being a Chaplaincy Volunteer, Murray also volunteers as a Direct Service Volunteer at the JF&CS Homework Club.

Aaron Baer, a JF&CS Big Brother volunteer has been volunteering with a young boy for 4 years. Aaron says that being a volunteer big brother has been a rewarding experience and is so grateful to have the opportunity to give back to others in the community. Being a friend and role model to a child, providing support, companionship and friendship, has made a huge difference in his little brothers life.

Colin Baskind, a nominee for the Inclusion Champion Award, has been a JF&CS Direct Service volunteer for the past 5 years. Colin has been extremely committed and dedicated as a volunteer with clients and in programs. He  mentors adults in the Poverty Reduction Program; mentors young adults in The Pearl Project; and works with adults and seniors at the Family Resource Centre Conversation Café.

Congratulations to our amazing volunteers!

The Jewish Hospice Program at JF&CS 
Rachel Hindel, Social Worker, The Jewish Hospice Program and Rabbi Mordechai Chemel, Manager, Chaplaincy Services

In addition to the highest quality service provided to clients, the Jewish Hopsice Program (JHP) is committed to sharing expertise and increasing professional knowledge about the spiritual and cultural needs of the diverse Jewish community at end-of-life and bereavement. JHP provides cultural education through provision of workshops and seminars, participation in expert panels and speaking opportunities and the development of printed reference materials for healthcare providers working with the Jewish community.

In the last few years, Jewish Hospice staff has provided their expertise to Palcare Network, Hospice Palliative Care Ontario, NYGH social work team, the Sick Kids PACT team, and the Law Society of Ontario among others.

In September of 2019, JHP staff provided education to the interdisciplinary palliative care teams in the Central LHIN about caring for Holocaust survivors at end of life. This presentation explored the unique challenges facing Survivors and their caregivers (themselves 2nd Generation Survivors) through illness and loss; and highlighted best practice caring strategies for healthcare professionals to include in their practice. Participants were provided the opportunity to discuss some of the challenges they have encountered in practice and provided with education on the principles of trauma informed care; a holistic approach that promotes dignity, strength and empowerment with victims of trauma as a true model of service excellence and knowledge sharing.

To learn more about the Jewish Hospice Program, click here.

Congratulations to Simon!

Please join us in congratulating Simon Kalkstein, social worker at JF&CS for 43 years, for being honoured as a recipient of United Way’s prestigious 2019 Bhayana Award in the “Dedication” category. This award recognizes employees who are dedicated to the mission, values and goals of their agency and go above and beyond what is expected of them.

“The Bhayana Family Foundation Awards recognize extraordinary contributions made by frontline staff and middle managers who are tackling #UNIGNORABLE local issues at United Way Greater Toronto-supported agencies. Winners are awarded for showing their local love and helping people thrive through their dedication, innovation and creativity, leadership, teamwork and partnership.”

Congratulations Simon. You truly are one of our community’s treasures!

It's never too early to teach children how to make an impact 
JF&CS is on Echoage

"In lieu of regular birthday gifts for Hudson & Sebastian's birthday this year, we decided to use EchoAge as we believe that it is never too early to get children interested and involved in giving back and learning about the importance of tzedakah. We chose to support JF&CS through EchoAge because we wanted our kids to know that not every child is fortunate enough to receive gifts on their birthday, be provided with clean clothes, and live in a safe and stable home. We wanted our boys to know that even though they are only kids they can begin making an impact in the lives of those less fortunate and to foster a sense of responsibility to support and give back to both the Jewish community and broader community at large."

Want to host an EchoAge party? Book your party by December 31, 2019 using promo-code: PARTYNOW and receive $10 from EchoAge!

If you have an upcoming celebration and would like to learn more, please click here.


Upcoming Events

Drive For Dreidels


Join the Monthly Mitzvah Makers! 
JF&CS' monthly giving program.
Click here for more information. 

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Jewish Family & Child | 4600 Bathurst St, 1st Floor, Toronto, ON   M2R 3V3
416-638-7800  |
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